a young woman wearing a black polo shirt and green golf skort sits on a golf course looking off into the distance

In the past, it may appear as though many golfers—even the pros—weren’t overly concerned with their physical fitness. Tiger Woods changed everything when he approached the game like an athlete. If you want to be at the top of your game, being fit certainly helps. This blog will lay out a few strength and conditioning exercises to help you shape up for your best performance.

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Strengthening Exercises

Want to hit the ball further and improve your overall golf game? Strengthening exercises are a great place to start. These exercises target specific muscle groups important for golf, like your core, legs, and upper body. By building strength in these areas, you can generate more power in your swing, improve your stability, and reduce your risk of injury.


Push-ups are great for upper-body strength. They work your chest, shoulders, and arms—all important for a powerful swing. To do a push-up correctly, start in a plank position, lower yourself until you nearly kiss the ground, and then push back up. Aim for 3 sets of 10 repetitions while trying different push-up variations.

Squat With Medicine Ball Rotations

Hold a medicine ball at chest height, squat down, then as you stand up, rotate the ball to one side. Alternate sides with each rep. Try 3 sets of 12 repetitions. This exercise targets your core and improves balance. It mimics the twisting motion of your golf swing. 

Split Squat

The split squat is an excellent exercise for improving leg strength and stability, both of which contribute to a faster, more controlled swing. Stand with one leg forward and one back in a split stance. Lower into a lunge position, sending your hips back while keeping your torso upright.

Bent-Over Rows

Bent-over rows strengthen your back muscles, which are essential for maintaining good posture during your swing. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, bend at the hips, and pull the weights up towards your chest. Lower and repeat.

Flexibility and Mobility Exercises

Have you ever felt stiff when playing out on your favorite golf course? Golf demands a good range of motion, and that’s where flexibility and mobility exercises come in handy. These exercises help you move better, swing smoother, and maybe even add a few yards to your drive.

Cat & Camel

This one’s a back-saver! The cat and camel poses stretch your lower back and build core strength. Start on your hands and knees. Arch your back up like a cat, then drop it down like a camel. This exercise stretches your lower back and improves core stability. It’s a great way to warm up before a round. Do 10 repetitions, moving slowly and breathing deeply.

Hip Drops

Here’s a fun one. Lie on your back and pretend you’re a metronome. Let your knees fall side to side. This move works on your hip rotation. Why does that matter? Because good hip rotation equals a better backswing. And a better backswing usually means a better shot. Do this 10 times each side, and watch your drive improve.

Hand Walk Outs

This exercise is a two-for-one deal. It stretches both your lower back and the upper parts of your legs. Here’s how you do it: Stand up straight, then bend over. Can’t reach the ground? No worries, just spread your feet a bit wider. Now, use your hands to “walk” forward until you’re in a plank position. Then, walk them back. Simple. Do this 5 to 10 times before your round.

Power and Endurance Exercises

Ever wonder why pro golfers can crush the ball 300 yards and still look fresh on the 18th hole? It’s not just talent—it’s power and endurance. Training these two aspects of your game is like upgrading your golf engine.

You’ll drive farther, swing with more consistency, and have energy left for that victory fist pump on the final green.

Alternate Lateral Jump

Channel your inner kangaroo with this lower-body power booster. Stand with your feet together, jump sideways, land on one foot, and then immediately jump back. Do this for 30 seconds, rest, and repeat. Your drives will thank you for the extra oomph off the tee.

Single Leg Deadlift

Balance isn’t just for tightrope walkers—it’s for golfers, too. Stand on one leg, bend forward at the hips, and reach toward the ground with the opposite hand. Return to standing and repeat. Do 10 to 15 repetitions on each leg for improved stability in your golf swing.

Sword Draws

The sword draw exercise improves shoulder rotation and helps keep your golf swing on the plane. Stand in your golf stance, holding a dumbbell near your opposite hip. Lift it diagonally across your body, ending with your thumb pointing back. Do 15 repetitions per side. As you get stronger, increase the dumbbell weight to keep challenging yourself. This motion builds muscles that control your swing path, potentially improving shot accuracy.

Always Remember to Cool Down

Whew! You’ve made it through the workout. But hold on, we’re not done yet. Cooling down is just as important as the golf exercises themselves. It helps prevent muscle soreness and keeps you limber for your next round. Take a few minutes to stretch those hardworking muscles. Focus on your shoulders, back, and legs. A light walk can also help your body wind down.

Remember, everyone’s fitness journey is different. Your age, experience level, and personal quirks all play a role in how you approach these exercises. So listen to your body and go at your own pace.

Practice Your Golf Swing at Quintero Golf Club in Phoenix, AZ

If you’re ready to test your skills on a real course, check out Quintero Golf Club. They have a great setup for beginners and pros alike. It’s a perfect spot to put your new moves into practice while enjoying a nice day out. Call us today at (928) 501-1500 or complete our online contact form for more information.